Saturday was our big day of fun at Copper Mountain, one of my favorite places to ski. Since Chris had snowboarded before, he rented a board while Nate and I played it safe on skis. We've skiied since we were kids, so flying down the sloaps on skis sounded more fun than crashing every minute on a snowboard. In order to beat the crazy traffic, we left by 6:30am. We arrived at Copper in perfect time and hit the slopes before the crowds came.
The view of Copper's village. It continued to snow all day which was great to have fresh snow.
I was a little worried about my ski performance since I haven't gone in three years, but it was like riding a bike. Although, my thighs would disagree that riding a bike would cause so much soreness.
Posing for a pic...or taking the opportunity to rest?
Trying to stay warm on the ski lift. The temperature was 11 degrees and that's not including the awful wind chill.
Chris was a little entertaining on his board. It was only his second snowboarding experience, but by the end of the day he was more comfortable with the slopes. Chris and Nate switched gear so that Nate could try snowboarding and Chris could try skiing. My brother seemed to pick it up a little quicker. I think any experience on the slopes at an early age is beneficial and probably not being taller than six feet helps too. They switched after one run - Chris looked more comfortable on his board.
When I've thought about snowboarding, I've always envisioned myself scooting down the mountain on my butt or making my way down in an uncontrollable barrel roll. I didn't want to waste a day of skiing to try out snowboarding, but if Nate picked it up that quick I bet I could too. Watching Chris and Nate makes me feel better about snowboarding for our next trip.
I had a blast on Saturday despite the ridiculously cold weather. We ended the day at Pizza Hut - nothing like three medium pizzas to cure all pain and hunger.
The next morning my legs felt like I had a night with Kathy Bates in Misery. We went to IHOP to resolve that pain too...unlimited pancakes, yum.
awe - so cute ! Glad you guys had a great weekend :-)